It was needed but it's been enhanced too.
First is relevant to mention that all environment assets from Daelonik artworks use to share texture libraries. And recently discovered that different assets using same source might creat conflicts because everyone of them were created in a different project so they don't share same GUID. At least that happened before the updates. So that was the main reason for this update round to be required and necessary.
But that's not enough!
I mean, that's what was needed to do but assets were asking for a serious upgrade from an artistic point of view. So that's the reason why these 3 assets shine now with completely new texture sheets way more polished than previous versions.
And there's more...
Because while checking the assets several things started to appair clear like Forbidden Dungeons wich is a dungeon modular asset but was lacking a piece to connect the 2 main different zones. Another example was using Ancient Desert Town when creating new houses it didn't seemed very easy. All pieces were there but there were too many things to take care of for a final good looking building, so that's why now includes over 50 new prefabs wich will make it very easy to create with it.
All pipelines ready
And was actually a significant ammount of work taking into account that every detail must be compared with all the other projects to fit perfectly and still there is need to rebuild from zero all pipeline projects for HDRP and URP.
updated assets
For this one most of the work was creating new materials for the asset since old ones just look outdated compared with other projects beign created these days.
Desert Town gets all same as Lovecraft horror village, like new textures, fixes and scenes updated and also a set of new prefabs wich will bring the building craft to a more easy level with many premades that will please the newbies and the pros as well.
Forbidden Dungeons has upgraded materials and textures as well as some new prefabs that seemed to be important and were not in the previous version. Also old demoscenes has been removed and mixed into a new one wich contains all prefabs from 2 main zones into the same dungeon.